Top level musical collaboration
Monteverdi, collaborates with Inspirations Philharmonic Band, an independent Musical-Cultural Association that began under the young baton of its director and founder, Javier Hermosa Sánchez in September of 2012. Since then, professional and amateur musicians of several nationalities have formed part of the group.
Since 2019 this band is a member of the Regional Federation of Bands of the Community of Madrid (Federación Regional de Bandas de la Comunidad de Madrid), for which it has carried out different events.
It has also taken part in different activities outside of the Community of Madrid, such as the Ciclo de Conciertos de Calpe 2014 (2014 Calpe Concert Series) and the Recording of the Himno de Vinuesa (Hymn of Vinuesa in 2019, among others. The band has performed concerts in major theatres and auditoriums throughout Spain and has participated in acts for different municipalities, mostly in the Community of Madrid and Castilla and Leon.